A list of the machines that bear the name:

Most of the systems listed below were made by W.Industries/Virtuality between 1990 and 1997.


Virtuality 2000SD (Cyber Space): The Sit-Down Second Series.

Hardware base Intel 486 based
Processor Intel 486/DX33
Graphics Custom `Expality PIX 1000` card with 16MB Video RAM.
Cost at time of release Unknown, but estimated to be around £8`000
Year of Release 1994 (Estimated)
Tracker Polhemus InsideTRAK with one 6D receiver
Experiences Available Buggy Ball, Ghost Train, X-Treme Strike,
Missle Command
Machine Description The 2000SD evolved from the 1000SD. Now with a sleeker look, a light weight Visette, and the mModulo PC
The system had either twin analogue joystick, or one joystick and a gear shift, depending on the experience loaded.
As with the 1000SD, the 2000SD Modulo-PC was under the seat, with access via a removable cover at the rear of the unit. Again as with the 2000SU, the Modulo PC in the 2000SD could also control two VR systems by doubling up the system cards.
Virtuality 2000SD
dactyl nightmare virtuality
dactyl nightmare virtuality